Sunday, April 21, 2013

Annie's Buying Club pricing vs. Publix, Earth's Origins & Fresh Market

So I spent the weekend comparing the prices of various markets organic to what I got in the Annie's Buying Club share this week. Just a reminder, here is what my share looked like and what was included:

-1/2 lb Collard Greens                           
-1/2 lb Rainbow Chard
-1/2 lb Broccolini                                  
-1 lb Asparagus
-1/2 lb Kale                                          
-1/2 lb Cilantro
-1 1/2 lb Apples                                    
-6 oz Blueberries
-1 1/2 lb Vine Ripe Tomatoes                
-1 lb Kiwis
-1/2 lb of Ginger                                    
-1 lb Lemons
-5 lbs Japanese Sweet Potato                
-1 1/2 lbs Romaine
-2 1/2 lbs Bananas                                
-1 lb Zucchini
-1 lb Strawberries                                  
-1 lb Eggplant
-1 head Garlic

I went to Publix and priced out their comparable organic produce as well as their non-organic produce. Then I went to Earth's Origins which is a health food type store in St. Petersburg and Fresh Market which is similar to Earth's Origins but a little nicer. I wanted to go to the Saturday Morning Market, but I just couldn't find the time this weekend with all the errands, birthday party and Rays game. There just wasn't enough time in the day.

Here are my findings:

Publix Organic Produce: $78.40, this did not include the following: Rainbow Chard, Collard Greens, Broccolini, Kale, Ginger, Garlic, Blueberries or Cilantro

Publix Non-Organic Produce: $38.67, this did not include Rainbow Chard or Broccolini

Earth's Origins: $65.79, this did not include Brocolini or Garlic

Fresh Market: $49.45, this did not include Ginger, Bananas, Garlic, Asparagus or Kiwi

**Also note that I could not find Japanese Sweet Potatoes so I priced it out as just plain Sweet Potatoes.

Here is a link to the detailed breakdown.

So all in all I think Annie's Organic Buying Club was a GREAT deal. It was much cheaper than any of the organic foods I found, and not much more than Publix's Non-Organic prices. So for a few bucks more than your regular produce you can buy wholesome organic produce that is not laced with pesticides and made from GMOs.


  1. Love your blog. I think a lot of people can relate! I know I can. Good to know we are all in this together!

    1. Thanks Diana! I just want to document my family's journey and hopefully help a couple people along the way.

  2. It's nice to know how the various option compare price wise, thanks for documenting your journey!

  3. wow you did a lot of work on this! Very impressive. I wanted to let you know that Japanese Sweets are 1.5 x the value of regular ol' sweet potatoes so that is an even bigger diff!

    1. And the Japanese Sweets were amazing! I like regular sweet potatoes, but these were even better.
