Found this Non-GMO buying guide and thought I would share. It is at the end of this post.
For those of you not up to date with all the crazy terrible stuff going on with our food supply, a GMO is a Genetically Modified Organism.
These are crops that have been tinkered with by scientist under the guise of improving the food supply or increasing the food supply. Companies like Monsanto create crazy pesticides and for the crop to withstand such harsh chemicals, they have created what many (including myself) call Frankenfood.
Basically, they are taking what God, Mother Nature, whom or whatever you believe in, made, and making it some science experiment. And guess who the guinea pigs are? You guessed it, YOU, ME and YOUR INNOCENT CHILDREN (oh and these rats).
They look happy and healthy don't they? So when people say there is nothing wrong with GMO, take a look at that picture and you tell me if they are safe.
Oh, and did I mention that Monsanto was one of the producers of Agent Orange? Do a Google image search if you want to see the horrors that Agent Orange has done. I will not post any here because they are way too disturbing. I could barely stomach looking at them for a few seconds.
There are two ways to shut down companies like Monsanto.
First, make your voice heard. Yell from the rooftops that this will not be accepted anymore. Tell everyone you know. And join movements like
March Against Monsanto, global protest May 25th 2013. I will be at one, I suggest you find an event near you and show the world, governments and Monsanto that we will NOT be their guinea pigs anymore.
Second, and most importantly, protest with the almighty dollar. You can make all the noise you want but if you don't back in up with your $$, companies like Monsanto will not care. You have to show them that we mean business and hit them where it hurts, and that would be their pockets. Support companies that don't use GMOs. Without labeling it is hard to say who uses them and who doesn't, so this list below may help. But at this point, the only way to truly know you aren't getting GMOs is to buy organic.
If you are in Florida, one of the easier ways to buy organic is through
Annie's Buying Club. I have been a member for about a month and LOVE it. I did a price comparison guide you can find
here. The cost saving for organic was huge, and it was close in price to the non-organic produce. I suggest you check them out. If there isn't a location near you, sign up to be a coordinator and bring them to your town.
If you are in the Seminole, Madeira Beach, West St. Pete area and are interested in joining, leave a comment below. I am trying to set up a pick up spot in our area.
As promised the non-GMO guide.