Recently I have had some health issues. I have been displaying MS type symptoms. I have had red flags in the past, and just ignored them once they subsided, but this go around, it is much much worse, and ignoring it is no longer an option.
My mother was diagnosed with MS about 10 years ago. I saw her take her shots as she was told, but still progressed with her condition (not to mention the nasty side effects that came with those shots). I have decided that I am not going to take the conventional route as far as my battle is concerned. Since there is no conventional cure for MS, I have decided to delve into the "alternative" medicine arena.
As I have been doing research, I have discovered many vitamin and mineral deficiencies that mimic MS as well as a host of other "diseases." And now I wonder, how many of these "diseases" are really deficiencies?
Don't get me wrong, I know not everything can be cured with a diet change, but how much can be? When you go to the doctor for a condition, for the most part they treat an individual symptom and never delve deeper into the person's lifestyle or diet.
Hippocrates once said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Western society has lost touch with that mind frame. It is as if we don't want to take responsibility for our conditions. It is easier to not make a change, and just turn a blind eye to what changes we could make to better our lives.
That all being said, I am going to post my research on different vitamins and minerals, and the signs of deficiencies. All of this information can be found on various websites and books, but I am compiling them in one place for myself, and for anyone else who wants to use it.
Disclaimer: I am nowhere near a doctor or scientist, just someone trying to find answers independently for an affliction.
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